Entries in Songs (2)


WIN! The House Of Coxhead: Top 100 Songs & Remixes of 2011

Both my Top 100 Songs & Remixes of 2011 have been well received over the the past 7 days, and with my birthday and the new year approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to run a competition to give 10 people the chance to win all 200 tracks. All you need to do is send an e-mail to tjc89209@hotmail.co.uk with your full name, Twitter username and answer to the following question.

As of December 30th 2011, how many songs are there in my iTunes? (clue: between 41,000 - 42,000)


This is my final post of 2011, as it's my birthday tomorrow. The winners will be announced in the new year at some point (probably January 2nd) and the songs will be sent to your e-mail as soon as possible. Hope you all have a lovely new year and an even better 2012. Thanks for your support, it means more than you will ever know.

Tom x


Top 100 Songs of 2010

Last week I posted my Top 40 Albums of 2010, but now it is time for the post that has taken me months to put together. At first it was going to be a Top 20, then a Top 50, but then I realised that it was impossible to do either of those with the amount of quality music that has been released this year. There are songs in here that are very personal to me and there are songs that have been chosen purely on merit. Within the list there is a variety of genres, including Hip-Hop, House, Dubstep, Soul and many others, which means there should be something for everyone. After the jump you will find all 100 songs and you will be able to play every single one of them in full. Please leave a comment or tweet me to let me know what you think of the choices. Hopefully you will enjoy listening to them as much as I enjoyed putting it all together. This is my Christmas present to all the people that have supported the Blog over the past 6 months (yes, it’s 6 months today since I started this). A massive thank you to every single one of you.

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