Entries in Thank You (2)


The House Of Coxhead T-Shirt Competition

Today is a special day, The House Of Coxhead has just reached 500,000 hits, and to celebrate I'm giving away 3 t-shirts to say thank you for all your continued support! The blog was only started back in June 2010 after a few friends told me to set one up, and up until April last year it was just your average Tumblr site, but over the past 12 months it has been taken to a whole new level and given me a lifestyle that I never would have expected two years ago. There are many positive aspects that come from running the blog, but for me it's been amazing to meet some of the most talented people in the world and give something back to my pals who have given me a hell of a lot over the past few years. Over 120,000 people from 130 different countries have visited The House Of Coxhead since it first started, which for me is mind-blowing, and it's nice to know that it's being appreciated by such a wide diversity of people!

Anyway, on to the competition - here is the question:

I am the least superstitious person in the world, but I do have a lucky number, so what is it...?

Please send your full name, Twitter name and answer to tjc89209@hotmail.co.uk, with the subject 'T-Shirt Competition'. Competition closes @ 10pm on Sunday 26th February.

Good luck to everyone, and thanks again for all the support, hopefully this is just the beginning.

Big love x

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Wretch 32 - Thank You For The Music 2011

Wretch 32 would like to thank you for your support this year, and in turn we would like to thank him for his music. The London-born rapper is about to release his new single, Forgiveness, which features Etta Bond and will be released December 11th; but before that, we should all take the time out to appreciate what he has given us this year. Watch the video above, hit the jump to see his achievements and what some of his friends/fellow artists have to say about him.

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