The House Of Coxhead looking for new writers

After 20 months of basically doing this on my own, The House Of Coxhead is now looking to branch out and bring in a couple of writers to help with the daily running of the site. I recently reached 500,000 hits and that lead on to me getting the wonderful Alya Mooro on board (also writes for MTV Wrap Up & Soul Culture), who will be contributing 3 in-depth reviews a month to the site. Whether you're already writing for someone or have no writing experience whatsoever, it doesn't matter, I'm looking for people with a real passion for music (that is in line with what is posted on the site), a grasp on simple grammar and the ability to write quickly and concisely. People who are familar with the running of a blog are more likely to be in with a chance of becoming a writer/editor on the site, as it would be very difficult for me to give up any time to explain how a music blog should be ran - a quick introduction and what is expected from me is all that I really want to be doing.
All you need to do if you're interested, is e-mail me on with the following information...
Twitter username
Previous writing experience (links to your work is perfect)
Previous blogging experience (same as above)
Music taste
Why do you want write for THOC
What do you feel you could bring to the site
Thanks, and hopefully I'll be hearing from some of you soon!

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