I feel it’s time for me to write about an issue that seems to be all over the News again and something that affects me and millions of other people on a Daily basis. File Sharing, Illegal Downloading, Stealing or whatever else you want to call it, is a problem that has been around for 10 or so years now. We all know what it is, how it works and that it’s wrong; however it’s a force that in the past few years has now become unstoppable.
From a personal perspective I cannot see the problem with ME ‘illegally’ downloading certain files. Out of all the people I have ever met in my life, I am still yet to come across someone that loves Music more than me, which is why I think I can make a valid point on this issue. From the start of 2010 I have acquired 784 songs and we are not even out of March yet - crazy right? Well………not really.
As a Student I have a lot of spare time on my hands and a very unhealthy bank balance, so I need to carefully choose what Music I buy and support. Throughout the past 3 months I have bought a lot of Music: Emancipator - Safe In The Steep Cliffs, Example - Won’t Go Quietly, Ty - Emotions, Gorillaz - Plastic Beach, Corinne Bailey Rae - The Sea, Strong Arm Steady - In Search Of Stoney Jackson, Wiley - Never Be Your Woman and M-Trey & Drew Beat - Immaculate Dopeness (Unsigned Hip-Hop duo from Chicago) & More. My point is; I illegally downloaded each of those Singles/Albums before I bought them, just so I knew that my money was going to a project I thoroughly enjoyed. After spending this £40-£50 within 3 months, there is a lot of other Music out there, which I can’t afford to buy; but does that really mean I don’t have the right to listen to it? I don’t think so. I have listened to their work and made an educated choice on where the money I have earned should go.
Today I downloaded Dan Le Sac & Scroobius Pip’s new album ‘Logic of Choice’, which is an album I have been anticipating greatly since hearing Angles in 2008. My Bank Balance currently stands at -£1,397.39, which means I have £1.03 available and am unable to buy anything; so I shall be purchasing the album on Friday when I get paid. I am also going to see them at Cockpit in Leeds on Thursday to support them as I feel they are a revolutionary pair that have created a whole new genre of Music. Now can anyone say there is anything wrong with that? I doubt it.
I can understand that there are people illegally downloading their whole libraries and not putting ANY money back into the Music Industry, but that’s not everyone is it. A lot of people download Music to increase their knowledge and widen their perspective when it comes to certain genre’s and I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I would never usually buy an Indie/Rock album, and neither would I expect an Indie fan to buy a Hip-Hop album out of the blue, so if it wasn’t for illegal downloading then I would have never listened to the Temper Trap album in 2009, which I bought and it ended up becoming one of my favourite albums of the year (same with Miike Snow).
It’s a never ending argument, but it is something that is never going to be stopped unfortunately.
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