Entries in Film (13)


Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Story Of A Tribe Called Quest (UK Premiere)

Soundcrash & The Doctor's Orders are set to present the UK premiere of Michael Rapaport's award winning film documentary, Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Story Of A Tribe Called Quest, which documents the highs and lows of Hip-Hop's Golden Era's most celebrated group. Featuring an original soundtrack by Madlib and including humourous and insightful interviews with the likes of ?uestlove, De La, Ghostface, ATCQ themselves and many more, the story of A Tribe has never been better told. The screening will be followed by a live show by the one and only Phife Dawg. After being priveliged enough to see an exclusive viewing of this before its release in America, I can safely say that this is something that no Hip-Hop fan will want to miss. I cried.

When: Monday 21st November 2011 (Screening: 8pm - Live Show: 9.30pm)
Where: Koko, 1a, Camden High Street, NW1 7JE
Tickets: £15.50 (screening & show)


Roy Ayers Project: Who Is Roy Ayers? (Trailer)

Trailer for the upcoming film/documentary about one of the all-time great recording artists. As is rightly stated in this trailer, Roy is one of the forerunners of the marriage between Jazz and Hip-Hop - if you don't know about Roy, then you need to get to know. Can't wait for this one.



I have no words to describe how incredible this film was. Just listen to and download the mp3 of it below.


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