DJ Yoda - Visual 6 Mix Special

DJ Yoda's incredible live video mix, broadcast on 6 Music and the BBC Red Button, which has everything from Roland Rat to Jay-Z! What a talented mother fucker...
DJ Yoda's incredible live video mix, broadcast on 6 Music and the BBC Red Button, which has everything from Roland Rat to Jay-Z! What a talented mother fucker...
To celebrate saying goodbye to April, and with June just around the corner, Carling are capturing the sound of summer by teaming up with three top British artists. Linking up with DJ Yoda, Jaguar Skills and DJ Food, each artist has created a track from 32 different summery sounds and video clips, which are now available to watch on YouTube, with the option to create your own track now available on the official YouTube app - head over HERE to check out both, but be warned, you could spend hours on this. The best three (as chosen by DJ Food, Jaguar Skills and DJ Yoda) will win a trip to this year's V or Isle of Wight Festival. GO GO GO!