Alive Till I'm Dead

Stephen Manderson, also known as Professor Green, is an artist who has grown and evolved more than most throughout the past 2 years. Along with fellow ex-Beats members Plan B and Example, he has changed his musical direction quite drastically and is now getting the opportunity to make and release the music that he loves. I have followed his work closely since he released The Green EP in 2006, but I think it’s safe to say that the quality of music he has produced on this album is incomparable to what he was making back then. The album may not be to some people’s taste; however, I think it has something for everyone and it is definitely an important moment for UK Hip-Hop.
“People are sick of being spoon-fed the same old shit music”
People who have only heard the two singles and go into the album expecting 10 tracks with the exact the same structure will be sadly disappointed - in fact, they are probably my two least favourite tracks on the album. I had no idea what the album was going to be like, but I am pleased to announce that it is everything I could have expected, and more. The criticism he has received from certain UK Hip-Hop & Grime ‘fans’ for wanting to progress in his career and make music that can reach out to a wider audience is something that frustrates me about the UK music scene. Success does not mean you have sold out. Pro has stayed true to his roots throughout this album and the subject matter on tracks such as ‘City Of Gold’ and ‘Goodnight’ are very reminiscent of the ‘early days’ when I first fell in love with this guys music.
Having not listened to the snippets, the production on the album is not what I was expecting at all. However; I was happy to hear that it compliments Pro’s vocal tone, which inevitably makes for a cohesive and enjoyable listen from start to finish. Some of the features also surprised me when I saw the tracklist, but there isn’t one person that doesn’t fit in with the whole concept and feel of the album. We even get to see the other side of Pro on the romantic ‘Where Do We Go’ which features the brilliant Shereen Shabanaa - although the topic is completely different, it reminds me of ‘Millionaires’ from Example’s ‘Won’t Go Quietly’. 4 years ago I would have never expected either of them to be making love songs, but it works and they are two of my favourite songs on both albums. For someone who has followed The Beats from the start; it is quite amazing to be able to see the success these boys are now achieving just 2 years after the label went bust.
I’d say that the main thing with this album is that you need to listen to it with an open mind and not make any presumptions of what it’s going to be like after hearing the two singles. I have listened to it about 5 times in the past 2 days and will definitely purchasing when it comes out. I don’t believe in supporting UK music, but I do believe in supporting good music. Below are all the necessary links you will need and my favourite track from the album, Jungle, which features Maverick Sabre. He deserves all the success this album brings.