Places to Discover New Music & Artists

A guest post from Satellite TV HQ on places where to find new music and upcoming artists. Searching for music is one of the hardest things to do if you don't know what you're looking for, but if you have the right tools and know where to go, then you've won half the battle. Hit the jump to see the post.
Satellite TV/Radio
Satellite TV and radio can be great spring boards for watching new music videos and hearing new bands months before their tracks get picked up for the latest Starbucks ad. The Interweb is another fantastic place to find new music even faster than TV and radio. Here’s a look at the top 5 places to discover new tunes:
Select a “station” based on a musical genre or artist you know you like, and Pandora will play that artist plus some similar artists. The Music Genome Project® is Pandora’s way of categorizing and organizing music to be sure that you hear what you like from familiar favorites to new music you may not have heard yet.
Grooveshark works a lot like Pandora, but you can get more specific with your selections. Instead of choosing broadly from an entire genre or artist, you can add specific tracks to your playlist. Turn the radio feature on and Grooveshark will add its own selection of tracks to your playlist.
Spotify is also very similar to Grooveshark and Pandora with a few key distinctions. You can integrate Spotify with to develop a more detailed log of your musical taste and connect with other users with similar tastes. Integrate Spotify with social media and let your friends know what you’re listening to. Use the radio feature to include new-to-you artists and skip as many tracks as you like, or rather don’t like.
Stream music and rate tracks to develop your unique user profile. Link instantly to iTunes, Amazon and eBay to purchase the tracks you can’t live without. Access Musicovery on your laptop or mobile devices. Best of all, this service is ad-free.
Pick your playlist and get recommendations based on your profile. Find out about concerts and shows in your local area. Check out daily top 10 lists and see what other YouTube music users are listening to.

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