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Yo, What's My Name Bruv?

Digmund Freud is the latest EP from UK rapper Mystro, which was released today on iTunes and Suspect Packages. Although some people may frown upon the £6.49 price; I can tell you now that it’s worth every single penny - I mean there are 8 full length tracks on there and the quality of those tracks are much better than you would find on most people’s albums. The lyrics, concepts and selection of beats are simply perfect and make for one of the most enjoyable and real listens of 2010. Throughout this year I have come to realise that Mysdiggi is one of my favourite rappers in the world. Granted he hasn’t had the success that our American friends have achieved, but then again; why should that really matter? I can relate to everything this man says and I have never seen anyone find it so easy to ride any beat that he is given with such an effortless flow. He always has a smile on his face, enjoys making music and is one artist who gives UK Hip-Hop a very good name. Anyway, below is ‘Don’t Worry’, which is my favourite track from the EP and features the wonderful Baby Sol. Please do your bit and support an artist who makes music from the heart that has a real message. Digmund Freud.



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