My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

A lot of people have been saying that this is the album they have been waiting for since 2008. I disagree; this is the album I have been wanting to hear since 2007. 808s & Heartbreak was a decent album and we all understand why he did it, but for me it will never have the credentials to be mentioned in the same breath as this and his 3 other LP’s. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and the G.O.O.D. Friday series mark the return of one of the most important people in my life. Mr. West is one of the main reasons why I love Hip-Hop as much as I do and in the past 8 months I have come to realise how much of a genius he really is. I personally think this album could go down as a classic and maybe his best release to date.
Going back to 2005 when I saw him at the Manchester Apollo on The College Dropout tour; KanYe was a breath of fresh air who’s sampling style and take on rapping was something that we had never seen or heard before. Unfortunately we lost that person for a while, but it seems as though he has returned with the hunger to become one of the greatest artists of all time. He has really stepped everything up to another level this time round - lyrically he is definitely back to his best, making you dig out a dictionary at certain points in the album to understand some of the things that he is saying. For me there was a slight danger that he could overdo it with the features and the plethora of producers he decided to get on board; however I think he has found a happy medium which clearly works. For example; Minaj & Ross are two rappers that I have never really understood or liked, but they both fit in perfectly with the whole feel and concept of the album. KanYe is a very clever man who always does things for a specific reason - this is something I have come to accept and understand throughout the years.
One thing that has frustrated me during the build up to the album is the amount of people that have complained about the tracklist. After the album has been released, he will have given us 22 tracks (of real quality), which is A LOT more than any other global artist will ever dream of releasing these days. Too many people are ungrateful and fiend for new music, not taking the time to appreciate the amount of time and effort that has gone into creating all of this music that we have been blessed with. Along with Cee-Lo’s latest release, this is all I have been listening to for the past 2 weeks and it’s safe to say that they are easily two of my favourite albums of the year and will probably end up becoming two of my favourite albums of the 21st Century (for completely different reasons). He has created a Hip-Hop classic, which wouldn’t be out of place next to some of the greatest albums of the 90’s.
2010 has been a ridiculously good year for music thus far, but this album has blown pretty much everything else out of the water. After seeing the Runaway film/interview it was clear that he was back in the right mindset and was out to prove a point to all the people that doubted him. Granted he has said some ridiculous things in the past and of course he is a little crazy; but I think he’s doing pretty well as far as geniuses go. I feel like I have gone back in time 6 years and fallen in love with his music all over again. Below you can find the necessary links and ‘Hell Of A Life’, which seems to be one of the tracks that has been on constant repeat.

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