The Very Best of The Foreign Exchange

This is a Best Of that I was going to leave till the very end (because it’s probably the best I’ll do); however, after receiving a postcard from Nicolay this morning, I thought it would be the perfect time to publish it with the release of their 3rd album rapidly approaching. The story behind the creation of The Foreign Exchange is definitely the most special in modern day music and is something that you should research if you don’t already know about it. Throughout the past 6 years they have become my favourite group/label in the world and the chemistry between Phonte and Nicolay has produced some of the greatest music of all time. Yes I said it - all time. Connected was a revolutionary album for both Hip-Hop & Soul; however Leave It All Behind is one of the most incredible albums I’ve ever listened to and one day I can see it becoming my favourite album of all time. They make timeless music from the heart that I can enjoy with my mum, dad, sister and gran - that is a very rare quality in music these days. Zo!, Yahzarah and Darien Brockington all play a huge part in making the FE family so special and 2 of them have already released albums this year, which are streets ahead of any other R&B/Soul music that is out there at the moment. I could honestly talk all day about these guys, but it’s sometimes best to just let the music do the talking. Cannot wait to hear Authenticity next month. Hopefully you all fall in love with their music like I have. Tracklist and download link after the jump.
Friday: Eminem.
1. The Foreign Exchange - Daykeeper (Feat. Muhsinah)
2. Zo! - Greater Than The Sun (Feat. Phonte)
3. Nicolay - So Far (Remix) (Feat. Ilwil & Jameeze)
4. Yahzarah - All My Days (Feat. Darien Brockington)
5. Nicolay & Kay - What We Live
6. The Foreign Exchange - Sincere (Feat. Yahzarah)
7. Nicolay - I Love The Way You Love (Feat. Darien Brockington)
8. Darien Brockington - Sacrifice (Feat. Yahzarah)
9. Nicolay - Light It Up
10. The Foreign Exchange - House Of Cards (Feat. Muhsinah)
11. Zo! - My Flame (Feat. Phonte)
12. The Foreign Exchange - Be Alright (Nicolay’s Easybreezy Sunday Afternoon Remix)
13. Yahzarah - Cry Over You (Feat. Phonte)
14. The Foreign Exchange - Brave New World
15. Nicolay - Saturday Night (Feat. Carlitta Durand)
16. The Foreign Exchange - I Wanna Know
17. Zo! & Tigallo - Africa
18. Strong Arm Steady - Best Of Times (Feat. Phonte)
19. The Foreign Exchange - Take Off The Blues (Feat. Darien Brockington)
20. DJ Spinna - Guaranteed (Feat. Phonte & Yahzarah)
21. Nicolay - Find Your Way (Feat. Carlitta Durand)
22. The Foreign Exchange - Something To Behold (Feat. Darien Brockington)
23. Nicolay - Adore (Feat. Yahzarah)
24. The Foreign Exchange - Happiness
25. Nicolay - Sunshine Life
26. The Foreign Exchange - Nic’s Groove (Remixes Blend)
27. Nicolay & U-Gene - Love Is In Control (Finger On The Trigger)
28. The Foreign Exchange - All That You Are
29. United Soul - Soulclap (Feat. Yahzarah & Phonte) (Nicolay Remix)
30. The Foreign Exchange - Come Around
P.S. Please just try refreshing Megaupload a few times if it says the link is unavailable. That’s their problem sorry, not mine.

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